Barry Glassman, CFP®

Engaging Employees Through Their Dreams

The business owners and entrepreneurs that I advise have been telling me lately that they are having trouble finding qualified part-time employees. Apparently, in some industries there are enough full-time…

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U.S. Debt Facts You Need to Know

The following debt facts were published in an article by Jill Schlesinger of CBS Money Watch in February 2012. They are an excellent recap of our nation’s debt from 1791 to now. Read…

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Boomerang: Solving the Global Financial Puzzle

For those of you who don’t spend your days and nights thinking about the intricacies of the global economy, sorting out what really triggered the onset of the 2008 recession…

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2nd Home Mortgage Deduction – Which States Will Feel the Most Pain

For the majority of Americans who don’t own second homes, why should they care if the second home mortgage deduction is eliminated? With more than 11 million residential mortgages underwater,…

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China’s Growing Pains

For most of the past two years, investors have been pre-occupied with the fiscal catastrophe in Europe – and with good reason. However, the relative health of the world’s second…

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March Jobs Report Disappoints

Just as with every month, traders focused particular attention on the March employment report, which was released after the markets closed for the week. It was fortunate that markets were…

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First Greece, Now Spain?

At the end of 2011, the Long-Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO) brought a modicum of stability to financial markets in Europe. When coupled with the “orderly” default of Greece, the situation…

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Put Clients First and Success Will Find You

Letter to clients from Barry Glassman, CFP®, President By now, I’m sure you’re familiar with Greg Smith of Goldman Sachs who launched himself and his firm into the international spotlight…

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State & Local Governments Still Struggling

Fewer than 18 months ago, Meredith Whitney put municipalities on notice for their poor fiscal health. In a scathing 60 Minutes interview, Ms. Whitney declared there would be “hundreds of…

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Consumers Not Ready For Another Credit Binge

Last week, two key reports on the state of the financial and consumer sectors were released. By all accounts, the consumer deleveraging cycle remains intact, despite an apparent willingness on…

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