Barry Glassman, CFP®

Consumers Decide Enough is Enough

Questions about why the recovery is so slow have cropped up lately.  Economists and strategists alike are baffled by the sluggish nature of this recovery, particularly considering our previous experiences…

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Glassman Wealth Makes Top Advisor List

Glassman Wealth Services was named in the top 200 fee-only advisors list nationally by Financial Advisor magazine for 2011.     Criteria includes: Assets under management, growth in assets, assets per…

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US Leading Global Manufacturing

Global manufacturing did not fare quite as well as the US in June.  From Europe to Japan to numerous emerging market economies, manufacturing activity steadily slowed according to several reports…

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Some Economic Improvement

Consumer data entered the fray last week to mixed results.  Personal income was up 0.3% in May, but concerns about the stagnating recovery resulted in no gains to personal spending. …

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A quick guide to the Greek crisis

With Greek debt averaging 30,000 euros in a population of 11.3 million, Greek labor unions calling for massive strikes to protest cuts to wages and pensions, and enough blame going…

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GWS Sponsors AOR’s Most Spirited Team Award

Glassman Wealth Services presented a check to the Wellness Community – DC  on Monday, June 13 in the name of Team Odd ‘n Easy who won the American Odyssey Relay’s…

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GWS Moves Up On Top 50 Fee-Only Emerging Firms List

Glassman Wealth Services moved to the #6 spot from #38 on Investment News’ Top 50 Fee-Only Emerging Firms list. From the end of the first quarter last year to this…

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Barry Glassman Elected to Starlight MidAtlantic’s Board

Barry Glassman was recently elected to the Starlight Children’s Foundation™ MidAtlantic Board of Directors. Starlight MidAtlantic is a local chapter of the international organization whose mission is to brighten the…

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Grumbling Over Higher Gas Prices

Despite the selloff in crude oil futures, retail gas prices continue to head higher. Behind the ongoing rise is a multi-faceted problem that is unlikely to resolve itself in the…

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Glassman Wealth Services Hosts A Morning with David Rubenstein

Barry Glassman moderated this morning’s conversation with David Rubenstein, billionaire, co-founder of the Carlyle Group, and one of the most world’s most successful business leaders. The event was held at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington, D.C.…

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