Glassman Wealth Services

Show Them, Don’t Tell Them

One of most common things you’ll hear within the walls of Glassman Wealth is the motto of “Show Them, Don’t Tell Them.” We truly believe that to stand out and…

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Teaching Kids About Money: Five Ways to Help your (Already Responsible) Kids

You’ve probably seen quite a few articles and news stories about teaching kids about money and how to raise financially savvy kids (or perhaps how to get your children to move…

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What We’re Reading: Small Giants by Bo Burlingham

Growth isn’t everything for a business, and that’s a philosophy we believe in. It’s possible to create more impact on the world by remaining small and adhering to the core…

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What We’re Reading: Why didn’t they teach me this in school? By Cary Siegel

It’s a shame that personal finance isn’t a part of every high school and college curriculum. Even the very basics, like 401(k)s and basic saving techniques might have managed to…

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What We’re Reading: Grit by Angela Duckworth

Does hard work amount to success? Angela Duckworth found that there’s more to success than simply putting in the hours and effort. A singular goal and continuous drive towards that…

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The Truth Behind Your "Retirement Number" for Planning Retirement Income

Have you ever been watching TV only to be interrupted by a commercial asking you to figure out your “retirement number?” You know, everyone has one – the amount of…

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What We’re Reading: The Richest Woman in America: Hetty Green in the Gilded Age by Janet Wallach

This is the story of Hetty Green and how she made her mark on the US in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Reading Hetty Green’s story is almost like…

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What We’re Reading: Grow Regardless by Joe Mechlinksi

Joe Mechlinski is a close friend of ours, and a big reason why we have been able to accomplish so much and be named a “Best Place to Work.” Joe…

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What We’re Reading: The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly

One of my favorite books that we’ve added to our collection, Kelly’s book reflects some of the ideas that have driven our own team. Why should your career and day-to-day…

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What We’re Reading: Boomerang by Michael Lewis

Lewis manages to take the serious topic of national economic crises, which affects economies and investments alike, and make it humorous and approachable. He looks at more than just the…

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