Glassman Wealth Services

Elder Care: Know Your Options and Where to Get Help

When an older parent or loved one needs more care, it is typically a spouse, family member or close friend that needs to step in and help manage the revolving…

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Elder Care: Finding the best care-giver and knowing the costs

Caring for an aging parent or loved one can be overwhelming especially when it comes to understanding the often confusing details about what type of care to choose, the cost…

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5 Tax Tips for Year-End Planning

Barry was recently interviewed by Carmen Wong Ulrich, host of Marketplace Money about year-end tax planning tips which aired on NPR radio on December 23, 2013. Listen to Barry’s 5 Tax…

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Why All Investors Need An Advisor

By Larry Light Our good friend Larry Light, former Investing Editor at Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, and now the Editor-in-Chief of wrote an excellent article highlighting the reasons everyone…

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Is The Bond Tide Turning?

For the first time in nearly two years, fixed income mutual funds experienced a net outflow.  In the two weeks ending November 24th, bond funds recorded outflows of roughly $6…

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Record Corporate Profits Signal Economic Improvement

Last week, corporate profitability was added to the third revision of third quarter GDP growth and not surprisingly, corporate profits were up more than 28% from the same point one…

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Chef Night 2010 A Success

For one special evening each year, Barry Glassman puts away his business attire, dons his chef toque and whips up a tasting menu to raise funds to find a cure…

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Prices Rise – Yet No Cost of Living Adjustment for Social Security Recipients

Based on all common measures, inflation is entirely nonexistent at this point in time. But if you ask the typical person how they feel, you might wind up with a…

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Japan, US Poised to Overtake China as Largest US Creditor

China remained our largest trading partner as the deficit with China rose to a record $28bln in August. Government officials have expressed strong displeasure with China’s unwillingness to appreciate its…

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The Yield Drought – Retirees’ Greatest Challenge

The Yield Drought – Retirees’ Greatest Challenge The US government continues to bail out banks, homeowners and the economy at the expense of retirees and conservative investors. As a result,…

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