
Is an Energy Crisis Next on the Horizon

Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its 2011 world energy outlook. The IEA painted a dire picture for the global energy outlook, showing an increasingly stressed oil market…

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Italy – The Eurozone’s Latest Headache

Yesterday, the global markets experienced a dynamic sell-off and you should know why.  This time it’s Italy. To explain what’s going on, let’s relate this whole situation to your home…

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2nd Home Mortgage Deductibility – Which States Will Feel the Loss?

If congress ever comes to a consensus on debt reduction, or even a revamp of the tax code, there are some deductions that are likely to disappear; and right after…

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Is Greece Europe’s Lehman Brothers or Bear Sterns?

Germany and France face a crucial decision – whether or not to save Greece, and their choices are eerily familiar. Is Greece’s financial failure a foregone conclusion?  Bloomberg reported today…

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Advisers deluge investors with advice over debt crisis

Barry speaks with Lauren Young of Reuters about what the debt ceiling dilemma may mean to investors. Read more.          

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The Yield Drought – Retirees’ Greatest Challenge

The Yield Drought – Retirees’ Greatest Challenge The US government continues to bail out banks, homeowners and the economy at the expense of retirees and conservative investors. As a result,…

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Chinese Growth Story – Not a New Tale

The global media is enamored with the Chinese growth story, but in reality this should not be an enormous surprise. For much of the past 2000 years, India and China…

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The Mythical Chinese Housing Bubble

Market prognosticators are full of consternation about the state of the Chinese real estate market, with one publication after another declaring that an asset bubble is only moments away from…

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