
Our View of LPL’s Acquisition of Fortigent

Fortigent, the independent investment, research and financial reporting firm we have partnered with since our inception announced this morning that they are being acquired by LPL Financial.  LPL is purchasing…

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Historical Returns – What’s In and What’s Out

When investing, we certainly take into consideration economic conditions and the political landscape, however, our Historical Returns Chart reminds us why we maintain a long-term investment perspective. Over the past 15…

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What Are Investors Up To?

Individual investors continue to move out of stock and stock funds  and are now heavily underweight equities in favor of bonds according to the American Association of Individual Investors.  Allocations…

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7 Ways to Tweak Your Retirement Plan for 2012

Jessica Ness, Client Advisor and Director of Financial Planning for Glassman Wealth Services recently shared her retirement planning tips with Mark Miller, retirement columnist for Reuters. “Rebalancing puts an automatic…

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Retirement Rules of Thumb Don’t Always Apply

I had a conversation recently with John Waggoner, the personal finance columnist for USA Today where we talked about the assumptions that many people still make about retirement, such as…

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Is an Energy Crisis Next on the Horizon

Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its 2011 world energy outlook. The IEA painted a dire picture for the global energy outlook, showing an increasingly stressed oil market…

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Italy – The Eurozone’s Latest Headache

Yesterday, the global markets experienced a dynamic sell-off and you should know why.  This time it’s Italy. To explain what’s going on, let’s relate this whole situation to your home…

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Do Nothing Congress

Conventional wisdom would support the notion that the division of power between Congress and the White House should be healthy for the nation’s economic environment. However, the idea that our…

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Wildcards in the Super Committee

Here is an interesting take on latest from the Super Committee by Greg Valliere, Chief Political Strategist of the Potomac Research Group. LOWERED EXPECTATIONS:  Just as European leaders are preparing the markets…

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2nd Home Mortgage Deductibility – Which States Will Feel the Loss?

If congress ever comes to a consensus on debt reduction, or even a revamp of the tax code, there are some deductions that are likely to disappear; and right after…

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