
Barry Glassman Elected to Starlight MidAtlantic’s Board

Barry Glassman was recently elected to the Starlight Children’s Foundation™ MidAtlantic Board of Directors. Starlight MidAtlantic is a local chapter of the international organization whose mission is to brighten the…

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Grumbling Over Higher Gas Prices

Despite the selloff in crude oil futures, retail gas prices continue to head higher. Behind the ongoing rise is a multi-faceted problem that is unlikely to resolve itself in the…

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Glassman Wealth Services Hosts A Morning with David Rubenstein

Barry Glassman moderated this morning’s conversation with David Rubenstein, billionaire, co-founder of the Carlyle Group, and one of the most world’s most successful business leaders. The event was held at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington, D.C.…

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CNBC – Fiduciary Standard

Barry Glassman talks to CNBC  Power Lunch host Sharon Epperson about the potential impact of the Dodd-Frank bill and the relevance of the Fiduciary Standard. Click HERE to view the…

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Let the Central Bank Games Begin

Prior to the global financial crisis, many central banks were a misunderstood relic of the economic system. Since the crisis began, however, central banks became an integral part of the…

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Budding Inflation Concerns

While it is difficult to argue that inflation is officially a concern for the US, there is no doubt that inflation is heading higher. In each of the past three…

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How Can You Protect Your Retirement in Volatile Times?

Barry Glassman shares his advice about protecting your retirement during volatile markets with CNBC award-winning journalist Sharon Epperson.  March 15, 2011 Click here to view video.      

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Beware The Commodity Costs of March

It should be no surprise to consumers that crude oil prices have a strong impact on day to day gasoline prices, but that relationship has not always been as strong…

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Obama’s Proposed Budget – Fact Meets Fiction

President Obama’s proposed fiscal year 2012 budget was unveiled to a resounding thud. Highlights include a proposed deficit of $1.101trln in fiscal year 2012, or 7.0% of GDP.  Long-term, the…

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Will Higher Interest Rates Save Retirement for Seniors?

Barry Glassman, CFP talks to Mark Miller of Reuters about how rising interest rates could yield a big change in retirement security. Will higher interest rates save retirement for seniors?…

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