
The Best Last Minute Tax Day Tips

It’s (almost) never too late. Here’s a few tax tips for now and later.

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Top 10 Year-End Tax Savings Tips

The holidays are the perfect time to save money. I’m not talking about Black Friday deals or December super sales. It’s the season to save on your 2014 taxes before…

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Tax-Smart Ways to Give to a Charity

As the holidays approach, thoughts about giving turn to action for many of us. Before writing a check to your favorite charity, consider the tax advantages of gifting appreciated assets,…

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The Best Tax Strategies for a Windfall Year

If you have a windfall income year because you sold a business or investment, you could potentially save tens of thousand dollars in taxes. Learn how.

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The Best Way to Create a Tax Efficient Portfolio

In our role as financial and investment advisors at Glassman Wealth Services, we are often asked what effect taxes and fees have on a portfolio. This is especially true of…

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5 Tax Tips for Year-End Planning

Barry was recently interviewed by Carmen Wong Ulrich, host of Marketplace Money about year-end tax planning tips which aired on NPR radio on December 23, 2013. Listen to Barry’s 5 Tax…

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Five tips for year-end tax planning

In my CNBC article, Five Tips for Year-End Tax Planning, I focus on some of the not-so-obvious things you should consider to reduce your taxes before we say goodbye to…

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Tax Day Deconstructed

Tax season is once again upon the American population, and this year, just as in years past, people are less than enthusiastic.  It is estimated that the average taxpayer contributed…

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Fiscal Cliff Strategy: 3 Tips as Rising Taxes Loom

Regardless of what happens with the fiscal cliff it is likely that taxes will increase at least for high income earners, and any hope of a compromise or solution is…

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Rising Tax Bills Are On The Way: 8 Ways to Reduce Yours

2012 is going to be a busy year. Not only because of the presidential election but also because by the end of the year it’s likely that many Americans will…

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